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Collective Soul Retrievals

Soul retrieval is a potent way of reconnecting with lost parts of your soul and integrating them in your day to day life. Just as we have an individual soul so do we have a collective soul connected to the earth matrix. This collective soul holds the information of all humans and beings here on this planet and is a big influence in how much acces we have to information. During our individual sessions we often encounter collective trauma's or splits in our retrievals that are not just concerning a single soul but many of us on this planet. These encounters have inspired us in creating collective soul retrievals. Just as it is possible for the individual soul to get lost or scattered so is it possible for aspects of the collective soul to get split off. Due to many splits in the collective soul it get's dimmed and the pressing energy can be a hinderance in our own personal and spiritual development.


We offer these collective retrievals for free so that anyone who resonates with them can tune in and receive the information intended for them in the retrieval. Our first series of collective retrievals will concern the tree of life and the connection to our lineages. This has often been surpressed in modern day society and by facilitating these collective soul retrievals we attempt a re-emergance of the mystery teachings of old, our earthly and cosmic lineages and interdimensional roots.


Anyone who feels drawn to these retrievals is welcome to witness and we look forward to hearing from your experiences. 

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Here you can watch our Collective Soul Retrievals relating to the Tree of Life. Where we invite our sacred lineages to come online once more. We offer you the space to connect deeper with earthly lineages, cosmic lineages and interdimensional lineages. By watching these retrievals you open the space in your body for more of your divine essence and unique gifts to shine through in your day to day life.

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If you are interested in diving deeper into the states of polarity in yourself than these Collective Soul Retrievals are for you. We offer you a new three part series where we tune in more deeply on the divine masculine energy, divine feminine energy and on the flow of sacred union. These retrievals will bring you in deeper contact with the healthy expressions of masculine and feminine energy and integrating them in your body.


S911.111.119 Planet XI4
Delta Quadrant, Pleiades

soul retrieval

NL: +31 6 36218592 (Danny)
BE: +32 491 23 18 96 (Ward)

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