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Tree of Life Retrievals

1. Ancient Civilisations and Forgotten Lineages of the Earth (30/6/2024)

During this retrieval, we attune to the fields of ancient civilizations of this planet. We open the space for deeper connection to the mystery teachings of old such as those of the Essenes, Egyptians, Celts, Aboriginees, Native americans, Maya's and many more. We will also open the field for the forgotten civilizations, not known to most, like the Lemurian civilization, Atlantis and ancient lands of Thule. Many of these wisdom teachings have been wiped from the earth or got corrupted. Their knowledge has been scattered and their souls forgotten in the consciousness of many a person alive today.


Every single one of us has a lineage that goes back to these civilizations, whether by ancestry or soul ancestry. Their symbols, customs and ways of living have crossed the ages and are still present in the akashic streams of our collective (un)consciousness. Their teachings and mysteries are still alive and most often hidden in our genetic blueprint, or dna matrix, waiting to be re-activated.


Join us as we explore where, on a collective scale, aspects of the souls of these ancient peoples are ready to be remembered, retrieved and (in a new way) reintegrated in our consciousness. We look at what is stopping these parts from being re-integrated and facilitate a re-activation of these lost parts in everyone watching an the collective. We trust that every person watching will start to reconnect to their ancient lineage(s).


Anyone is welcome to witness during this retrieval session and you can do so on our youtube or by watching the video below.


Post Retrieval Note

We ended up confronting a collaborative of human and extraterrestrial forces interfering with the (re-)emergence of these ancient lineages. We were backed by Saint Germain and other (human) beings from the Inner Earth. Many of the great chakra points of the planet, organized in the form of a snake, were purified and the interfering forces either left or were removed. At the snakes tail chakra there was a great mine, mined by slaves. It was cleared of the interfering forces but a wound remained at the tail of the chakra system. This will need some time to heal and we could feel the relief in our own body's when this energetic stream was cleared.

2. Branches of the Tree of Life: Galactic Lineage (8/7/2024)

During this session we focus on reconnecting with our galactic lineages and points of origin. Many of us will know the term starseed, meaning that on a soul level many of us have connections to or have had lives in different star-systems. There are a lot of gifts springing from these connections, ranging from scientific knowledge, to healing abilities, clairvoyance, and so on. Moreover, it has been documented (for example by Dolores Canon) that some of us actually chose to come to and incarnate on this planet from other star-races. Oftentimes to help humanity expand their frequency and sometimes with less positive intent.


There are star-races that would interfere with our collective evolution. When thinking of races that have a less positive intent the Reptilian and Greys often stand out. At first glance, these seem to only have a dysfunctioning effect on our ascension process and these beings use us humans as a form of energy so that they may sustain themselves. Beings of these origins can be labeled as “service to self” since many try to maintain their own culture and power at the cost of another's evolution.


However, there are just as many star races that choose to aid Earth at this pivotal time. Where they send us information so that we may find a heart centered connection to one another and co-create an inclusive world. These beings are labeled as “service to others” as they are trying to aid us in our ascension process and evolution. Races that are often described under these labels are the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Mantis beings, Sirians and Blue avians. 


During this retrieval we will look at what is collectively holding us back from remembering and reintegrating our Galactic Selves. We have a deep trust that every person watching will receive a spark of light so that they may remember their own soul lineage more deeply.


Anyone is welcome to witness during this retrieval session and you can do so on our youtube or by watching the video below.

Post Retrieval Note

We ended up exploring a new perspective on, and a new experience with Reptilian beings (and by extension other service-to-self oriented beings).

Essentially we were invited to really be with our own pain and/or the collective pain caused by these beings. Not wanting to feel the pain and grief about what they did to us could drive us to act-out atrociously towards them. However, in doing so we again inflict pain to others and continue the same cycle. We were invited to forgive ourselves for our own darkness, hold it and love it even. So that it doesn’t need to, nor can, act-out anymore. We were invited to respond with love in the face of enormous non-love.​

3. Interdimensional Realms (13/7/2024)

During this session we tune into interdimensional realities and alternate timelines that our tree of life is connected to. We are looking at where an essential part of our lineage has split off and created a different branch on the timeline. In this session we travel through the timeline to the area where the cut off part is being kept and invite it to connect once more with our timeline.

A split in the timeline can occur when inside or outside interference is occurring. Think of groups of beings who are focussed on a service to self paradigm. Where they can in fact corrupt and morph ideas and streams of consciousness for their own benefit. Where they receive more energy whilst we are all disempowered and cut off from a vital source of energy. A form of corruption to which this has happened is christ consciousness, the number 13 and pagan beliefs.

During this retrieval we use the frequency of Source as our guiding light and anchor, for this frequency encompasses all different timelines and realities. By anchoring ourselves in this frequency we can easily connect with that specific split of part/timeline which is ready to integrate back into the collective soul. Furthermore we give thanks for the guidance of dragons, who are interdimensional travelers, our companions and wayshowers. 


Anyone is welcome to witness during this retrieval session and you can do so on our youtube or by watching the video below. We wish you a wonderful experience where you can connect more deeply to your sacred birthright of your own lineage. 

Post Retrieval Note

In this retrieval we traveled to an alternate reality/timeline, much like the Garden of Eden. The energy in this place was corrupted, which made it so that no people would be able to live here nor connect to the Christ-consciousness. Guided by our dragon companion we were able to witness the world and its energy source in its authentic, uncorrupted state, creating a pulse of healing throughout this realm. In doing so we rid the energy source of this world from its corruption and returned the corruption to the ones who initially interfered with it. The world was therefore restored to its original and intended frequency and slowly started to connect with our timeline once more.


S911.111.119 Planet XI4
Delta Quadrant, Pleiades

soul retrieval

NL: +31 6 36218592 (Danny)
BE: +32 491 23 18 96 (Ward)

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