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Reclaiming (Y)Our Soul Lineage

27th of July at "Het Lichtschip" in Almere Oosterwold

In this workshop we will use The Tree of Life which symbolizes the connection between all aspects of life. Examples are: As above so below, the connection between past, present and future. Civilisations that have been and civilisations that will be. It has threads running through all mystery schools of old and its energy will keep serving as a grounding factor in the mystery schools of new. We each have various of these threads running through our incarnations. They are like ground tones that connect us more with one lineage than another. For one person, incarnations in ancient Atlantis could have had a big impact, whereas for another ancient Egypt or the Pleiadian frequency feels more aligned with their soul essence. There is a difference in flavor so to speak and during this workshop we will open the portal so that you can discover your own flavors.

The Tree of Life will serve as a symbol of remembrance. The overarching theme will be “soul retrieval” and we’ll create a space where we can retrieve those parts of our lineage that have been lost. During the day we will start with a check-in where we can each attune to our unique soul lineage. Through guided mediation we will sow the first seeds that can sprout in the afternoon. Afterwards we’ll create a physical basis for the lineage to land in the now through our creativity. We will do this by drawing a symbol which captures the essence of our soul lineage. This happens intuitively, meaning that there is no right or wrong. In the afternoon we will facilitate a group soul retrieval which can be seen as a collective healing. Ward & Danny will open the field of soul retrieval so that any parts connected to your lineage which have been forgotten or split off can return home. They will travel into the unknown, in honor of the group, and facilitate a group healing through which every participant has their own journey. By looking at the collective split and applying healing there we have complete trust that you will more easily align with the lineage(s) most important for you at this time. Afterwards we will have time to integrate and to connect with one another about our experiences. 


We invite you for a trial run of this workshop. We only ask a small contribution of 35,- per person for location cost. We will be a small group of maximum six participants, first come first serve, and you can apply by sending us a message, filling in the contact form or sending an e-mail.
In the afternoon we'll have lunch, potluck style. You are welcome to share your nutritious talents with all of us so that we can enjoy lovely food.
The workshop will be on the 27th of July at “Het Lichtschip” in Almere.
We will start at 10 and you’re welcome from 9:30 onwards. 

We look forward to meeting you on these layers.

With love, Ward and Danny

soul retrieval


S911.111.119 Planet XI4
Delta Quadrant, Pleiades

soul retrieval

NL: +31 6 36218592 (Danny)
BE: +32 491 23 18 96 (Ward)

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